Oh. Hell. No.
No to neo-Nazis.
No to white supremacists.
No to the KKK.
I will not take the same tack my German grandparents did in Hamburg, Germany during the rise of Hitler and the takeover by the Nazis. My Oma and Opa kept their heads down and their mouths shut.
They were the “right” kind of German: Aryan, white, blue-eyed, Lutheran, native-born, German speaking, hard working, compliant, heterosexual, married with two young children. One of them my father.
They made it through, but not unscathed.
So many people didn’t want to believe that Hitler was a threat; they thought that Germans loved democracy so much that Nazism couldn’t really take hold. And they paid for that denial with their lives.
Trump is dangerous. He is a threat. He has unleashed the white supremacists.
His speech and choice of words grants license to the torch-bearing. He has gone from using a dog whistle to a bull horn.
Will we have a presidential election in 2020? Will they be suspended or will we have sham elections?
Will “The Handmaid’s Tale” go from speculative fiction to documentary? I don’t know.
What I do know is that I can no longer keep my head down and my mouth shut.
This country was built on the backs of Native and African peoples. They were tortured and terrorized into compliance. Native peoples were legally exterminated. African peoples were legally enslaved. The inter-generational trauma affects us all. All of us. To. this. day.
I pledge to do what I can, to put my faith into action, to heal myself and to be a voice for healing.
So here’s me asking questions and getting answers.
What’s it gonna take to legally remove Trump from office? Here’s a long-term goal.
In order for a president to be impeached, a resolution for impeachment must pass the House by a simple majority. In and of itself, that’s a steep hurdle, especially when the president’s own party has control, as Republicans do now.
But in order to actually be removed from office, a president must be convicted by a two-thirds majority in the Senate — something that has never happened before.
Is the Klan active in my state, California? Oh. Yes.
William Hagen is the “Grand Dragon,” or state leader, of the Loyal White Knights faction of the Klan in California, according to Carla Hill, an investigative researcher with the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, which tracks members of hate groups.
Democracy dies in darkness, says The Washington Post. So here’s me lighting a candle.
And what does this have to do with business? Plenty.
Every since I founded Equity By Design in 2011, I have been guided by this core principle: “I believe that business has the responsibility to be in service to social, environmental and economic justice – one way to do that is to design equity into the financial systems up front so that they create the space for thrival, not just survival.”
What you can do today is vote with your dollar.
Trump disbanded two economic councils today, the Manufacturing Jobs Initiative and the Strategic and Policy Forum, after 9 of the original 28 CEOs on the MJI resigned in the past few days.
Take a look at the chart mentioned above. See who resigned. See who didn’t.
Make decisions about how you are going to spend your consumer dollar. Invest your retirement funds in companies that support diversity and take a vocal stand against neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the KKK.
Do you want to design equity into your financial systems? Schedule a free Financial Clarity Call today and let’s get a conversation started about how to make that happen. I can support and guide you to incorporating your values into your business, to put your money where your mouth is.
In the light,