I talk to a lot of entrepreneurs about their financial systems and structures.
By the time they finally approach me they usually feel desperate for help.
Sometimes they’re not able to get a bank loan or line of credit because their financial statements aren’t up to snuff.
Or they feel stretched too thin and overwhelmed, and they aren’t even sure their bookkeepers are giving them correct statements and financial reports.
Or, they’re simply exhausted. They’ve stayed up late and worked more weekends than they care to admit, trying to learn QuickBooks; they feel like failures.
Do these situations ring a bell?
First, I want to assure you that you are not alone. And second, it doesn’t have to be this hard.
I’m a Virtual CFO, and I serve people just like you—smart, savvy business owners who are experts in their fields, yet they need support with their accounting and financial systems.
What is a virtual CFO? A virtual CFO, Chief Financial Officer, provides professional accounting and finance assistance to growing businesses that require a high level of expertise, but don’t yet have the growth or revenue to bring that role in-house. How does it work? I offer either an on-going partnership relationship or specific project-based assistance and support. I meet many of my clients via telephone, Skype, or on GoToMeeting; however, my local clients and meet in person, depending on their needs and locations.
The beauty of working with a virtual CFO is that you can work as much or as little with them as you’re needs and budget dictate. What kinds of things does a virtual CFO do?
My business is unique. I don’t offer cookie-cutter solutions to my clients. I understand that each business and business owner has individualized needs.
My services include, but aren’t limited to:
• Oversight of your bookkeeper ensuring you get accurate, timely and complete information
• Vetting and hiring your bookkeeper (if needed)
• Close collaboration with your CPA
• Vetting and hiring of your CPA (if needed)
• Ensuring you fully understand everything your CPA tells you
• Preparation of cash flow projections
• Working and problem-solving with your bank
• Determining pricing structures
• Reading, understanding, interpreting your financial statement
What can you accomplish with all this support?
Your Virtual CFO is your trusted ally. With her support, you can finally focus on your genius work—the work you love doing and feel called to do. You will be happier, have more time, and get better results.
Rather than throwing your hands up in frustration over QuickBooks, you’ll have more time for client work, idea generation, content creation, and networking—the stuff that actually brings you more money. In other words, you will be working on your business, not your books.
Isn’t it time you delegate the tasks that don’t bring you joy, clients or income? Isn’t that why you got into business in the first place?
If you have questions about how I work and the results I deliver to my one-on-one, private clients, please click here to set up time for a Financial Clarity Call. The call is free, and there’s no obligation.
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