Business is about sharing your message and your love with the world; and the easiest way to give something to someone is by packaging it in the way that they want to accept it. You have a gift…you have a message… and the way to share it is by putting it in the context that a bank or an investor is most going to respond to.
You have to craft your message in a way that makes sense to them; give them what THEY want and once you’re in, you can give them what YOU want.
Open yourself up to understand about business plans and financial projections so that you can reach more people with your message. Trust that it’s an important message. Value it enough to be willing to do what it takes to build a business. And that means meeting bean-counter types where they are.
I am NOT saying that you have to stop dreaming of changing the world for the better.
I am NOT saying that you need to give up or compromise your strength of vision and purpose. You don’t have to sell your soul to get other people’s money.
Give people what they want the way they want it, especially if you are trying to get something from them. For example, if you want a bank to loan you money then by all means find out what documentation they need and give it to them. If they want five years of financial projections, give them five years, not three. And when they come back with clarifying questions or suggestions, by all means answer their questions and follow their advice.
Keep you eye on the prize…get the money, get the money, get the money.
You are doing yourself and the world a service by adapting this seemingly harsh reality in order to make your message palatable to bankers and investors.
Have faith in yourself. Have faith in your message and adapt to things that work, like Excel spreadsheets and budgets. You’re not going to help save the world if you don’t.
P.S. They say that the good writers copy, but great writers steal. Thanks to Wendy Keller and Christine Kloser for their inspirational words that prompted this blog post.
What is challenging you in your business right now? Would love to know…leave me a comment below.
Hi Monique,
Thanks for such a thoughtful blogpost. You are right – so important to be able to communicate effectively with potential investors from both the right and left sides of our brain! Passionate solutions for the world PLUS defensible numbers showing a decent return on investment…a winning combination indeed..
Thanks Teri! Glad you liked it.
you’re writing is superb!
I’m an accountant in transition to support women entrepreneurs with budgeting and cash flow projections.
The challenge is to get them to see they may need a bank loan in order to share their message with more people in the world.
And you summed it up nicely.
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by Malaika..showing clients that not all debt is bad is indeed a challenge. Reframing it to “this is what INVESTING in yourself looks like” can be a game changer and cudos to you for helping folks see that.