At the beginning of 2012, I realized that I had backed myself into a corner regarding my financial records for 2011. I had the proverbial “box of receipts,” my bank statements, and a bunch of online receipts scattered in my email folders and a huge fear of knowing how much I had or hadn’t made in my business. On top of that, I had very little idea of how to best organize it all to make it easy to do my taxes.I turned to Monique. With all my fear and avoidance behavior.
After spending an initial call with her, talking over the specifics of my business with her, along with a couple of additional issues around personal finances, she created an input mechanism for my expenses and income along with a schedule that we agreed upon for completing the data entry. And, gently and firmly, she kept me on track, including “talking me off the ledge” a couple of times. And, in the end, she gave me a system that I can keep up with and be ready for future years, without nearly the trauma that this past year took.
Because I’m nervous (ok, phobic) about finances, it was great to work with someone who didn’t judge me for not keeping good records, but understood that this was a difficult tasks, both mentally and emotionally. Monique has both the knowledge to build the systems I needed and the empathy to help me through a task that turns my stomach to knots!
Jeanne Andrus
Owner and founder
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